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Affiliate program SEO tool - Monitorank

Discover the benefits of our affiliate program.

Discover our affiliate program

The :
- Receive recurring payments and cash them as soon as you reach the first minimum of 100 € HT (or every 3 months if you don't reach this amount)
- Receive payments up to twice a month
- The godchildren are anonymous in the eyes of their sponsor and vice versa.

How does it work?

1. Join Monitorank
Register for free to the tool
Login to your Monitorank account to access your affiliate area (Right menu > Affiliate).

2. Recruit your future godchildren
Promote our solution on your websites, blogs, social networks...

3. Earn recurring commissions!
For each payment of a referral receive 10 e commission.
We will make a payment as soon as you have reached 100 € HT in the kitty.

The conditions to be respected

- Only professionals are eligible for the affiliate program, professionals subject to VAT will have to inform us of their intra-community VAT number
- You will be asked to provide a bank account number (RIB/IBAN) and an invoice to receive payment of your commissions.
- Any disguised purchase of a Monitorank license by a sponsor for his or her own account will not be counted against the affiliate's account.
- You may not purchase targeted advertising (SEA) on the Monitorank brand or any similar phrase.

Monitorank reserves the right to cancel any commission and to remove the Sponsor from the Affiliate Program if the Sponsor attempts to violate these rules.

Frequently asked questions

What should be on my invoice?
You must indicate your VAT number if you are subject to VAT.
The amount of a request is without VAT. The French professionals subject to VAT will have to add 20 e VAT to the invoice.
Professionals from the European Union (outside France) or outside the European Union are not subject to VAT.

How long do cookies last?
We store cookies for 60 days.

If a referral is passed through multiple affiliate sites, who gets the commission?
We allocate the commission to the last affiliate site.

How do we receive our commissions?
As soon as you reach the 100€ HT level in your affiliate account, you will be able to make an invoice and send us a bank details.
The invoice amount will be sent to you by bank transfer.

What is the maximum amount I can request?
The maximum amount of a payment is 500€ HT.

How to use the affiliate link with code.
A unique link is provided in your affiliate area. All visitors coming from this link will become your referrals once their accounts are validated.
This link can be added in your social media posts or on any other media. The referer method is recommended for adding links to your site (see below).

How to use the method by referer?
The referer method allows our platform to detect the site from which the visitors come. It is thus possible to know if a visitor who registers on our platform comes from one of your sites, without having to use the affiliate code.
This method is recommended if you have a website or a blog.

You will have to enter your different websites in your affiliation interface. You must remember to add each sub-domain. Our system will check if you are the administrator of this site.

Please contact us if you have any questions about our affiliate program.

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